Thursday, June 3, 2010


Womens reservation is the latest political issues in india. Now it is the time to think about the real empowerment of women community. The govt has introduced womens reservation bill in 2008 in the Rajyasabha with the strong protest from opposition agitation , in order to all these agitation govt has introduced bill in the parliament .But unfortunately it could not pass the bill due to various political reasons.The Rajyasabha passed this bill on 9 march 2010 at that moment this upper house witnessed so many dramatical incidents among the members .This bill provide reservation of 33 percent of all seats in the loksabha and state legislative assemblies for women. Womens also get reservation in panchayat and local bodies. There is a long term plan to extend this reservation to parliament and state legislative assemblies. Women in india get reservation or preferential treatmente in education and jobs. Progressive political opinion in india is strongly infavour of providing preferential treatment to women.